Paid political letter: Endorsement

Ideas and opinions in this letter are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the stance of this paper. The author of this letter has paid for its placement.

North Dakota’s GOP gubernatorial primary approaches, the contrast in candidate accessibility between Kelly Armstrong and Tammy Miller could not be more striking. Kelly has consistently demonstrated his commitment to transparency and accessibility, regularly appearing on local radio shows across the political spectrum. His willingness to engage with his fellow North Dakotans, even when opinions differ, showcases his dedication to all of North Dakota.

Conversely, Tammy Miller is hardly heard from. At times when voters seek clarity and connection, her absence is disappointing. While Kelly Armstrong shows up, Tammy Miller’s approach leaves voters like me wondering how she would govern.

It’s important to choose a leader who is not only present but also actively listening and responding to the needs of their constituents. This is why I will be supporting Kelly in the June primary  election.

Mark Thelen

Fargo, N.D.