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    Receive the Holy Spirit by simply breathing him in

    By Webb Hoggard Columnist,

    20 days ago

    Jesus was quite busy the day He was resurrected. We know early in the morning that He saw Mary Magdalene and showed Himself to Peter. We also know that He walked much of the seven-mile trek toward Emmaus with Cleopas and His friend. We also know He shows back up in Jerusalem later that same day to talk to all the disciples except Thomas.

    Jesus reveals some significant things in these brief meetings.

    Jesus’ priority post-resurrection was the person of the Holy Spirit. He tells His followers multiple times and in various ways that they must receive the Holy Spirit. Luke tells us that Jesus explains the Scripture well and then tells them to continue His mission to tell the world about God’s redemption.

    After revealing the word and commissioning his disciples to spread it, Jesus told them to receive the Holy Spirit. In fact, in John 20:22 He commanded it: “Jesus blew upon them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’”

    When I read that Scripture, I’m motivated to request the Holy Spirit of God over and over. Being filled with the Spirit is an expectation from Jesus and is as natural as breathing. We can spiritually breathe Jesus in and ourselves out.

    The baptism of the spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is much like a daily water baptism. When we get baptized, we say the old man dies, and a new creature emerges from the water. Daily, we can inhale the person of Jesus and exhale our fleshly desires.

    Luke tells us that the Holy Spirit was vital to Jesus’ life. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Then, at His baptism, He rested on Jesus like a dove.

    We learn that God the Father desires to give you this great power. Jesus also says He was joyful because of Him.

    Lastly, we understand that the promise of the Father is power from on high. The person of the Holy Spirit is Jesus’ priority and the promise of the Father. He is given to us to give us power! Power for what? Power to preach the Gospel all over the world.

    Now, this power can be explained in many ways. It’s power to win over, to be bold in preaching, to endure trial and to persevere to the end. It’s power to believe in miracles and to see them performed. The Holy Spirit has come to help us. He teaches, encourages, loves, comforts, empowers and points to Jesus the Savior.

    We are told in John that Jesus was ready to leave the earth because we would be better off after receiving the Holy Spirit. So, I ask, “Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?”

    Are you pursuing God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength? If you struggle to understand the Word, you need the Spirit. If you are not obedient to the mandate to preach the Gospel to all, you need His boldness. If you lack wisdom, love, strength, faith, joy, or peace, all are found in Him!

    I pray today that you will receive Jesus’ number one desire for you. Be filled. Receive the Holy Spirit by breathing Him in today.

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