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Parade Pets

Woman’s Rescue Cat Can Do the Most Amazing ‘Dog-Like’ Tricks

By Allison Blair,

30 days ago

Cats aren't "trick" animals. You can train a cat to use the litter box, and you might be able to train them to come at the sound of a can opening, but beyond that, most cats don't learn many tricks. They can't even really sit!

That was, of course, until the world met Biscuit. On Thursday, March 21st, her mom posted a video of her epic skills, and it's not something anyone wants to miss:

is there some kind of cat show for this or what #cats

♬ original sound - chlo💛

It looks like Chlo and Biscuit have quite a journey ahead of them. That's one smart cat! What's next, she learns how to bark?

Related: Kind Man Rescues Paralyzed Cat and Performs an Absolute Miracle

Chlo says she just recently rescued Biscuit from the shelter. When she chose her, she only knew that she was adorable and felt like a good fit for her lifestyle. The shelter didn't tell her she was secretly a dog, and she hasn't shared exactly how she found out - but it doesn't really matter. All that matters is the funny tricks!

Some of her greatest hits include:

  1. Sitting
  2. Catching treats in midair
  3. Fetching treats and toys
  4. Epic flips
  5. Mild parkour
  6. She does not, however, enjoy taking walks on a leash.

The fact that we have no idea how Biscuit came into this knowledge is deeply upsetting. Someone along the way really cared about her, that much is evident. It's good the Chlo found out about her crazy skills and is putting them to good use!

Can You Teach a Cat Dog Tricks?

Truthfully, you can teach just about any animal tricks as long as you get them young enough and use the right training methods. Training a cat is very similar to training a dog: you need lots of treats, patience, and some positive reinforcement. Even if you rescue a cat when it's older, there's still a chance - they just need to be willing to learn. I went to high school with a girl who had trained her cat to go potty in toilets!

Whatever tricks you do decide to teach your cat, they need to be simply, one-syllable commands, just like for a dog. Though cats are often said to be more intelligent than dogs, their capacity for learning tricks is just about the same.

There are a few tips that could be helpful:

  1. Combine training whenever possible. For example, while you're teaching them to use the litter box, you can teach them to sit.
  2. Hold "training sessions" that are five minutes or less, or else their attention span lapses.
  3. Stay consistent. Have them practice every day, even after they nail it, so they don't lose the skill!

I'm so glad Biscuit's gifts were shared with the world. It's not everyday you see something like that!

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