Crypto Bits
9 months ago

Here’s How Much SHIB Has Left This Exchange

Wayne Jones Sep 4, 2023 14:43
This massive transaction ignited discussions within the crypto community about the mysterious recipient.

In a surprising move, a large sum of Shiba Inu Tokens (SHIB), valued at millions, was transferred from the popular crypto exchange Bitvavo to an unidentified wallet.

Based on insight from wallet tracker Whale Alert, the total number of SHIB transferred is about 4.6 trillion, valued at roughly $35.7 million.

  • After further examination of the recipient address, @Loch_Chain implied that the wallet is newly minted with no history of past transactions.
  • It is common for Bitvavo to store crypto tokens in unknown wallets. Reports suggest that the only known Bitvavo wallet holding Shiba Inu has about 250 million SHIB, valued at $1.93 million.
  • Analysis indicates that the newly transferred SHIB has yet to be liquidated via exchanges. As such, there are speculations that this could only be Bitvavo’s transfer of the assets for storage into an unknown destination.
  • Loch_Chain looked at the transfer and highlighted that there are limited options of TVL pools where such sums of SHIB can earn yield, with probably only the Uniswap v3 pool of SHIB-WETh, which offers a 91% yield.
  • However, based on the analyst, Uniswap v3 SHIB-WETH pool only has a TVL of $1.2 million, meaning the $35.7 million SHIB is not there.
  • Analysts continue to monitor this address and any potential moves that could impact the SHIb token.
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Wayne Jones

Wayne is a dynamic part-time trader with an impressive eye for detail. His passion for understanding financial systems has led to an intriguing interest in blockchain technology, and he enjoys exploring and writing about cryptocurrencies. Possessing a keen intellect and diligent work ethic, he stays up-to-date on the latest industry trends, regularly sharing his insights in articles and professional presentations.