
Marion County Naturalist Marla Mertz reports of all the eagles around Lake Red Rock. 

Some of the opportunities that nature gives way points us in the direction that spring is soon to come. With the amount of eagles being observed, it appears that there is a huge population living in Marion County according to Mertz.

Migration brings numerous eagles to all of Iowa reservoirs and river corridors in late October and November. Late January, February, and early March is the beginning of their northern return, depending how far south they traveled. 

The eagles  may spend some time here to feed and conserve energy, but the early migrators are heading back north to get to their nesting territories. Eagles are often seen sitting on the ice near cracks/crevices in the ice, and openings to feast upon the fish that have been winter killed. 

Mertz adds, this month, the resident eagles will be attempting to lay eggs in a safe, and spacious place for their young to grow.