
New $12M parking ramp opens downtown

A brand new, multi-million dollar parking ramp is now open downtown.

It’s the next step in transforming Erie’s downtown to a new reality that’s been in the work for years. It may seem like a small step, but look closer.

The ribbon cutting opened a 312 space six-story $12 million parking ramp that not only provides space for people visiting downtown but also addresses other problems: long-term parking for those working downtown and new parking needs as new businesses are attracted.

“It’s so exciting to check another project off the list. We had 12 projects in the initial phase and we’ve been checking them off one by one. With the influx of new businesses, new housing and new amenities downtown, we needed more parking so it’s great to finally get this garage open,” said John Persenger, Erie Downtown Development Corporation (EDDC).

To some, the parking ramp is just the next building on the list but to others, it’s more the way to tie these projects together in reforming the downtown and our belief in a new Erie.

“Every step of the way we’re gaining in confidence that this momentum is real, and this is one more rung on the ladder of our recovery of this region,” said Tim Necastro, Erie Insurance.