Lewis County Chapter of Washington Realtors Donates $14,600 to Food Bank Coalition


On Friday, members of the Lewis County Chapter of Washington Realtors presented a check for $14,600 to the Lewis County Food Bank Coalition (LCFBC). 

In thanking the realtors, Bruce Graham, president of the LCFBC Board of Directors, discussed the difficulties the coalition had in working with the government during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I can do so much more with your dollars,” Graham told the realtors. 

According to Graham, the coalition seeks to distribute the food it receives to those in need quickly. In December, Graham said the coalition was able to provide food to 4,974 people. 

“Our purpose is to distribute food, not to store it,” he said. 

The LCFBC distributes staff and food according to the needs of each of its districts around Lewis County. 

Sue Barlow, secretary for the LCFBC Board of Directors, told the realtors those seeking food from one of the coalition's food banks are asked to bring documentation showing residency by listing an address, such as a utility bill. Those who don’t bring documentation will still be able to receive food but will be asked to bring documentation the next time they come. 

Barlow said those interested in helping at the food bank should start by checking out the hours of operation at their local food bank. 

“We like being here,” Barlow said. 

Learn more about the Lewis County Food Bank Coalition at https://lcfbc.net/locations. 

Learn more about the Lewis County Chapter of Washington Realtors at https://www.warealtor.org/lewis-county-chapter.