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There's A Festival All About Tacos In North Carolina & You Can Taste 30 Different Kinds

Don't forget about the beers, margs, and Mezcal!

A woman in a black shirt holding a taco. Right: A plate of tacos and tortilla chips.

A woman in a black shirt holding a taco. Right: A plate of tacos and tortilla chips.


Quality tacos are hard to come by. Rather than go on a wild chase around North Carolina to find the best, how about visiting the state's greatest taco vendors all in one place this spring?

The Tacos 'N Taps Festival is an all-out celebration of the Mexican dish coming to Cary, NC again on April 1, 2023, and tickets are now on sale starting at $25.

The one-day event brings together culture, spice, creativity, and booze to honor over 10 local vendors who specialize in flavors from south of the border.


Taco’s and Taps 2022 with @pookie19723 #tacosandtaps2022 #carync #AFairShotWithBlock #GameTok #wewanttaj #foodie #foodtiktok #taco #ilovetacos #foodlover #tacofestival #margirita #beer #tequila #wine #music #fun #dance #ralieghnc

The list of vendors local favorites like Poblano's Tacos and More, Mr. Puebla's Tacos, and Tacos Costa Grande.

There are three different ways to enjoy the fest: the $25 taco-only ticket for the foodies, the $39 General admission ticket that gets you endless access to alcohol, and the $75 "VIP Super Muy Taco Ticket," which gets you into the event an entire hour before everyone else.

The latter also includes a souvenir glass, sombrero, and some surprises that will be revealed later.

Tacos are only one-half of the festivities, as you might've guessed already. Guests will have access to 60 different types of craft beers, mezcals, margaritas, and tequilas.

Don't forget to stop by the live entertainment stage throughout the day, which will host Mariachis and other performers.

If you can't make it to this one, the Tacos 'n' Taps fest will make its way back to the Tar Heel state for the same event in Charlotte on June 17, 2023.

Tacos 'n' Taps Festival

Price: Starting from $25

When: April 1, 2023

Address: 8003 Regency Pkwy, Cary, NC 27518

Why You Need To Go: This event celebrates tacos with 30 different kinds to taste, and it's coming to North Carolina for one day this April!


This article has been updated, after being originally published on January 7, 2020, to reflect changes as per the event's latest itinerary.

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