New Minnesota bill could leave THC infused beer, drink makers up in the clouds

Published: Feb. 2, 2023 at 10:02 PM CST

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (WSAW) - THC, the chemical compound found in marijuana plants, has been used by drink makers in recent years to deliver hemp-based products to customers.

Under current Minnesota law, brewers are allowed to create hemp-based drinks which qualify for federal tax benefits and do not fall under the federal anti-marijuana laws. One Minnesota lawmaker said there is no current language that separates hemp-derived and marijuana-derived THC.

Hemp naturally contains 0.3% or less THC, meaning any product that it “hemp-derived,” does not contain enough THC to give you the effects of being “high.”

The breweries are holding out hope that the current bill pertaining to marijuana exclusively, does not hinder their ability to produce their hemp-based drinks. They are hoping there is a way for everyone to coexist.

The bill has yet to be passed through several Senate and House committees before it comes to a vote. Lawmakers do believe that the language issues will be cleared up before the bill moves forward.