csvt river bridge aerial

An aerial photo of the nearly mile-long CSVT River Bridge.

Montoursville, Pa. — CSVT, the Central Susquehanna Valley Transportation Project, is a four-lane bypass highway that includes a nearly mile-long river bridge. The northern section links interchanges along Route 15 south of Winfield and Route 147 in Point Township.

So far, the data suggests that the new roadway is helping to reduce traffic congestion.

“I am pleased that the preliminary data shows that the new roadway is removing through traffic from local communities as anticipated,” said District Executive Eric High. “Separating the through traffic from local traffic helps to reduce congestion and accommodate growth, while also improving safety.”

PennDOT has taken preliminary traffic measurements based on counts performed in Oct. 2022. The measurements are considered preliminary because, PennDOT notes, it may take a year or more for motorists to become accustomed to new travel patterns. Additional traffic counts will be performed late this year.

The Department also notes that the "before-and-after" measurements may be skewed by impacts of Covid such as switches to telework, the Duke Street reconstruction project in Northumberland, and simple variations in traffic volume from day to day and year to year.

With these disclaimers out of the way, PennDOT's traffic counts are as follows.

The CSVT River Bridge is carrying about 12,000 vehicles, including 3,100 trucks, every day. Traffic comparisons on Route 15 and Route 405 appear to show that CSVT is helping to remove north-south through traffic from both Lewisburg and Northumberland.

Route 15 south of Lewisburg

The daily total traffic volume counted (16,000) was roughly 30 percent less than prior to the CSVT Northern Section opening (23,000).

The daily truck volume counted (1,500) was roughly 30 percent less than prior to the CSVT Northern Section opening (2,100).

Route 405 (old Route 147) north of Northumberland

The daily total traffic volume counted (8,000) was roughly 40 percent less than prior to the CSVT Northern Section opening (13,000).

The daily truck volume counted (800) was roughly 75 percent less than prior to the CSVT Northern Section opening (3,100).

It does not appear that CSVT has substantially affected east-west traffic on Route 45 between the existing major north-south roadways of Route 15 and Route 147.

Route 45 near Montandon

The daily total traffic volume counted (8,000) was roughly 10 percent less than prior to the CSVT Northern Section opening (9,000).

The daily truck volume counted (400) was roughly 20 percent less than prior to the CSVT Northern Section opening (500).

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