
Erie residents voice concerns on Greengarden Bikeway Project

Several city residents spoke out against a plan to implement a bikeway on Greengarden Blvd. that would run from West 12th Street to West 38th Street.

Many are concerned about what these changes would mean for street parking in their neighborhood. Others voiced their concerns over the safety of these bike plans.

Residents stated traffic moves quickly on Greengarden Blvd. and has been a problem even for pedestrians. Additionally, residents said a bike lane could pose challenges for emergency vehicles trying to get through.

Many of these residents say they will attend a public meeting next week to discuss the next steps for the Greengarden Bikeway Project.

“I love living on Greengarden. I love the busyness of Greengarden, but that’s exactly it, it’s busy. Fast-moving traffic. I think a street maybe to the west of us would be better – a quieter street –and would also be able to take you down to 26th and beyond,” said David Pianta, president, Greengarden Blvd. Association.

Others who attended the meeting said the bike lane would benefit Erie and that it would make alternate forms of transportation, like biking, more accessible.