Springfield Public Schools looking to help reduce litter in the city

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – Springfield Public Schools are looking to help reduce the growing amounts of litter in the city.

The mayor and superintendent of schools are creating a new anti-litter curriculum. The hope is to reinforce in young minds that littering is wrong and teach them how to be good citizens who care for the environment.

It’s another step towards Springfield becoming a cleaner city with the amount of litter continuing to pile up. “It isn’t until we start to see it around the city that we realize this is a conversation that needs to happen,” said LaTonia Monroe Naylor, Springfield Public School Committee Vice Chairwoman.

Springfield Mayor Domenic J. Sarno adds, “we have to get rid of that mentality that some people think that it’s ok, someone else will pick up that mess.”

This remains a developing initiative. Students can expect the program to begin next school year.