Recycle that pizza box! The recycling rules have changed

Who doesn’t want a greener world? With the climate crisis nearing an all-time peak year after year, there has never been a better time to boost recycling. And no, we’re not talking about your grandma rinsing out pop cans.

Marissa Begley is from Millennium Recycling in Sioux Falls. She joined us to share why some of the recycling facts from yesteryear are a thing of the past, and you can do more with your recyclables.

Things you can recycle

Surprising things you didn’t know you could recycle:

1. Rinsing isn’t required if it’s not a chemical, as long as you can dump all the contents out and get it empty (use spatula or towel for the gunky stuff)
2. Paper Cups and Cartons are recyclable (keep lid/straws out)
3. Pizza boxes are okay (just make sure there’s no cheese or crust stuck on)
4. Lids are OK on plastic bottles, tubs & jugs (just make sure it’s empty)
5. Lids are OK on glass bottles & jars (just make sure it’s empty)
6. Lids are OK on metal cans (it helps to stick it down inside the can)
7. Glass bottles & jars of ANY color
8. Don’t look at the number on plastics – stick to Bottles, Tubs & Jugs

Marissa Begley and Ashley Thompson on the KELOLAND Living set