black baseball history jvb presentation

Williamsport, Pa. — The James V. Brown Library will be the venue for the next Williamsport chapter meeting of the Society for American Baseball Research. This meeting's presentation will focus on the Negro Leagues and Major League Baseball. The presentation will be open to the public, with no registration required to attend.

The presentation will take place on Saturday, Feb. 4 at 11 a.m. in the Lowry Room on the third floor of the Welch Children’s Wing. 

The program, “The Negro Leagues and Major League Baseball,” will be presented by Jack Houston, Lou Hunsinger, Marc Pompeo, and Ted Knorr. The presenters will focus on the formative years and baseball history of Black baseball and the Negro Leagues; Williamsport’s George Stovey’s place in late 19th century baseball history; Major League Baseball welcomes Negro Leagues Statistics: 1920-1948; the “classic” 1936 East-West All Star Game in Comiskey Park in Chicago; Cooperstown Hall of Fame Negro League Players; April 27, 1926, the first professional game at Bowman Field; and the Williamsport Grays and the Negro League Harrisburg Giants.

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