
Take Your Child to the Library Day scheduled for Feb. 4 at J. A. Tarbell

LYNDEBOROUGH – Saturday, Feb. 4, is National Take Your Child to the Library Day. The J. A. Tarbell Library will join the celebration from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Librarians will demonstrate the Early Learning Kits as well as the Adult Learning Kits for the child within.

There will be a sign-up sheet for the annual 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Program.

Snacks will be available and at noon there will be a visit from Alice In Wonderland.

All ages can come and learn what the library has to offer, and for the community to let the library know what types of programs they would like offered.

The library also offers programs from the State, UNH, and other organizations including United Way. These programs cover finding a job, information on education, scholarships, being a citizen scientist, fuel assistance, health and more.

Information is in the lobby or contact Program Coordinator Regina Conrad at 603-654-6790 or jatlprograms@gmail.com.

Conrad would also like some of those pictures she she’s on Facebook for use on the calendar.