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These Two Florida Restaurants Made Yelp's Top 100 & One Of Them Is A Bakery

The ranking is based off of Yelp reviews.

A baker working at Archibald's Village Bakery. Right: A dish at Selam Ethiopian & Eritrean Cuisine.

A baker working at Archibald's Village Bakery. Right: A dish at Selam Ethiopian & Eritrean Cuisine.

Florida Associate Editor

Yelp came out with their Top 100 U.S. Restaurants on Wednesday and two Florida eateries made it in the top 10. The study is based on foodie reviews for local favorites and one bakery in the Sunshine State beat out 97 dining spots.

Archibald's Village Bakery in Fort Lauderdale, FL ranked No. 3 and Selam Ethiopian & Eritrean Cuisine in Orlando came in at No. 9.

Both establishments, of course, have five stars and raving commentary about how much patrons love the different cuisines.

Archibald's Village Bakery (No. 3)

This Fort Lauderdale Bakery is within walking distance from the beach and is an indoor-outdoor concept with an aesthetically pleasing patio.

Most days they are open until 3 p.m., so their top sellers are their baked goods and coffee specialties.

"Let me remind you, I don't typically eat bread and I loved the morning glory loaf with all my heart. The loaf was amazingly balanced with sweetness and the nuttiness with the pairing of carrots was exquisite," wrote one reviewer.

Many people enjoy the aesthetic and the intimate dining experience you get when you meet the staff.

Selam Ethiopian & Eritrean Cuisine in Orlando (No. 9)

This establishment has made the list for the U.S. and Florida in consecutive years and it still continues to shine. It brings in authentic East African meals and is located in the middle of a busy shopping center.

"This great restaurant is better than nearly all if not all the many Ethiopian restaurants I have dined at, and I am in the Washington, D.C., Northern Virginia area, which has some of the best such restaurants in the nation," commented on a visitor.

They have tasty veggie and meat combos, as well as their baklava if you're looking for something sweet.

The staff gives their customers a blast of flavors reminiscent of the East African culture.

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