10 Years Ago


25 Years Ago

  • Mirrors of Yesterday
    Mirrors of Yesterday

10 Years Ago

Clifton Franklin, on behalf of the Perry Masonic Lodge, presented a $2,000 check to Perry Elementary school as a partner with their recent chili supper. Those helping to accept the check fron Franklin were Jennifer Shields, Perry Elementary Principal, Christi Woods, PPT, and Stephanie Rames, PPT.

Fridged Temperatures and Continued Moisture have caused delays on outdoor construction projects around town. The Cedar Street bridge, between fourteenth and fifteenth streets, workers have been unable to progress with their project for several days. In addition to the weather, workers have been waiting on large beams from upstate New York. Winter storms in that area delayed the treatment of the beams, according to Jim Davis, street commissioner.

50 Years Ago

Bov. David Hall announced the appointment of Dr David C. Matthew Jr. Oklahoma City, formerly of Perry, to serve as a member of a state commission. Matthews was named to serve as a member of the governors “link” commission. The duty of this state group will be to work with ex-offenders toward rehabilitation. The length of the term of the appointment will be at the pleasure of the governor.