Sioux Falls snow could bury a hotel

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — As of Wednesday, January 25, the city of Sioux Falls has hauled 16,000 truckloads of snow off of the streets. 11,000 of these have been larger side-dump trailers, while 5,000 have been smaller dump truck loads.

According to street operations manager, Dustin Hansen that all adds up to a staggering 315,000 cubic yards of snow.

Let’s put that in perspective.

A football field, end zones included, is a total of 120 yards long and 53.3 yards wide. 315,000 cubic yards would bury that surface in about 50 yards, or 150 feet, of snow.

But that’s not all. This amount of snow could quite literally bury a building.

A building – The Hotel on Phillips via Google Street View

The Hotel on Phillips in downtown Sioux Falls stands roughly 142 feet tall, meaning it would be buried under a football-field sized pile, but the hotel itself is actually much smaller than a football field.

While a field is 120×53 yards, the hotel is only about 50 yards long and 18 yards wide. If all that snow was piled up on the same footprint as the hotel, the snow would tower 350 yards tall. That’s 1050 feet or more than seven times the height of the hotel as it stands.

Alas, the snow is not piled up into one giant tower, but is instead broken up into several still enormous snow piles throughout the city.

How long they will take to melt will depend on temperatures and future snowfall, but in previous conversations, Hansen noted that it wasn’t uncommon for snow to survive until July.