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This Luxury Rental In The Texas Desert Is Inside Of An Actual Cave & It’s So Unexpected

Cavemen not included.

Inside a cave at The Summit at Big Bend. Right: The exterior of a cave at The Summit at Big Bend.

Inside a cave at The Summit at Big Bend. Right: The exterior of a cave at The Summit at Big Bend.

Texas Staff Writer

In the middle of the barren Chihuahuan desert of West Texas, there are a few liveable cave dwellings that are actually quite up-scale, despite the rugged surroundings.

The Summit at Big Bend located in Terlingua, TX has converted a few old man-made mining caves into lavish living quarters you can rent for $549/night.

The temperature-controlled "luxury caves" are enclosed by sliding glass doors, so you can wake up and watch the golden sun rising over the expansive desolate area from the king-sized bed. In the evening, you will see stars glittering at night, as you'll be in an area with "forced dark skies".

This unique spot only fits two people and has its own private patio, so it's perfect for a romantic getaway to escape with your sweetheart.

The property is about 17 miles from Big Bend National Park where you can find many scenic hiking trails and a natural hot spring pool to soak in.

After a long day exploring the arid park, your own private cave will be the most welcome relaxing sanctuary.

It's quite an exclusive stay, and booking the caves, specifically, can be difficult as it is in high demand, but The Summit also offers several other lodging options like tents, glamping domes, and houses.

The Summit at Big Bend



Address: 2500 N. Lone Star Mine, Terlingua, TX

Why You Need To Go: These mining caves were transformed into the most luxurious rooms to rent with striking desert views.

Prices and terms of occupancy are confirmed at the time of publishing, but they can change at any time.

These prices and terms of occupancy are confirmed at the time of publishing, but they can change at any time. Taxes and fees may not be included.

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