NMU hosts Holiday Masquerade Ball fundraiser for new nonprofit group

Masquerade Ball at NMU(Jerry Tudor WLUC TV6)
Published: Dec. 7, 2022 at 10:27 PM EST

MARQUETTE, Mich. (WLUC) - Families Against Narcotics, or FAN, joined the Northern Michigan University Student Leader Fellowship Program (SLFP) for a Holiday Masquerade ball Wednesday evening.

FAN works to provide help to those struggling with substance use disorders and families impacted by it in Marquette County.

“One of FAN’s big goals is to help reduce the stigma that surrounds addiction and substance misuse and substance use disorders, stigma is actually a really big reason that a lot of people don’t go and get treatment so FAN works to reduce that stigma and then they also work with peer recovery specialists and they are there looking to support people recovering from addiction,” said Mandy Bonesteel, NMU SLFP member and organizer.

The event included food, raffles, a DJ and was a fundraiser for the newly formed group.

“That’s the big draw like, come out and have fun, we are trying to raise money so it’s $10 at the door for the public and then students it’s free but, we suggest a donation, and we’d really like to raise $2,000 that’s kind of our minimum goal tonight,” Bonesteel continued.

Organizers say it’s not just about fundraising. They hope to spread awareness of a valuable new resource in the community.

“It definitely is a prominent issue especially in our area being a smaller area and being very secluded from bigger cities and more resources so it’s very important that we have something like this in our community and it’s not something that’s just reaching a certain population, it’s every population,” said Yasmine Phillips, NMU SLFP/Organizer.

More than 130 attended Wednesday night’s family-friendly Holiday Masquerade Ball at NMU, and organizers are hoping next year to be back, even bigger and better.