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A Fan Just Bought The House From 'The Goonies' & It's Not That Far From Vancouver (PHOTOS)

"My goal is to preserve and protect this iconic landmark."

Astoria Area Residential.

Astoria Area Residential.

Staff Writer

It's official, the iconic home from The Goonies film has been claimed by a fan, and it didn't even last two weeks on the market.

The property, located in Astoria, Oregon, posed as the Walsh family home in the iconic movie and was going for a hefty $1.65 million.

For any West Coast Canadians looking to get a glimpse of this home for themselves, it's only a six-hour road trip away from Vancouver.

Astoria Area Residential.Astoria Area Residential.Kent Factora Reto Media

The buyer confirmed to the relator that they are "a Goonie" and promised, "to preserve and protect this iconic landmark."

"Being a 'Goonie' means to me that no matter what walk of life my friends and I came from, we could always stick together," they added.

Astoria Area Residential.Astoria Area Residential.Kent Factora Reto Media

The buyer has been a major fan of the show, ever since they were a child and they're "looking forward to working with the community of Astoria and continuing the amazing Goonies legacy."

They added, "our goal is to be the best Walsh's we can be, for Goonies around the world!"

Astoria Area Residential.Astoria Area Residential.Kent Factora Reto Media

If you're looking to make a road trip around Oregon to visit all the nostalgic filming locations, Cannon Beach is another one you'll want to add to the list.

Astoria, Oregon, is just a 43-minute drive from the stunning beach and hitting up both of these locations will have you feeling like "a Goonie" yourself.

Astoria Area Residential

Astoria Area Residential.

Astoria Area Residential.

Kent Factora Reto Media

Address: 368 38th St., Astoria, OR


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