
The Other Guys spread a little joy on the CI Stage

Champaign, Ill. (WCIA)

Music and performing are what The Other Guys do best!

People enjoy the sense of tradition they get from watching us perform, as we’ve been around for 54 years and many alumni recognize us years later and can hear us sing some of the same standards that we’ve been singing since day 1. People also enjoy the way we improvise and incorporate humor into our performances.

We help to spread the joy and power of music. There’s nothing like feeling the hairs on your arm stand up as a perfectly locked chord rings and reverberates throughout a performance hall. In pursuit of this goal, we’ve gone on high school tours every semester to make an impact on aspiring musicians and inspire them to keep music in their lives as they begin the next chapter of their lives after high school, whatever it may be. We have received questions about what it’s like to balance music and school, and we’ve given plenty of singing tips to students.

Some of the other very talented groups at UIUC participate in competitions, which means they will work on the same set of songs for a majority of the year. The Other Guys do not compete, which means we have the time and energy to learn as many songs as we want with as wide a range of genres as we’d like. Another difference is our unique brand of humor, which we infuse into every performance. While the The Other Guys are talented musicians and performers, we also place a particular emphasis on the audience having a good time.

The Other Guys
Antonio Laverd – President
Kusa Park – Music Director
Alex Remolina – Social Chair
Collin Fox – Social Media Chair
William Green
Adam Shane