WLNS 6 News

Jackson non-profit ready to serve this holiday season

JACKSON, Mich. (WLNS) – Brenda Hughes knows what it’s like to struggle around the holidays. She’s been there before.

“When I was a little girl you know we would get used toys and that’s all my mother had and we were grateful for it,” said the Founder of Jackson Michigan Giving Back to the Community, Brenda Hughes.

It was a time in her life that shaped her, and that’s when she knew what she wanted to do for her community. Now decades later, the words “giving back to the community” sit on top of the building of her non-profit, and today in the spirit of giving back she’s preparing to kick off her own holiday toy drive to give thousands of kids brand new toys, with a name for it that stays true to the group’s heart.

“We discussed what name should we call it they said Brenda you love everybody why don’t you just say love you know “Christmas of Love”. I said ok that do sound good and they all love the community and that’s what it’s about. Love conquers everything,” said Hughes.

Working alongside her is Britany Marcia who says this is as much about helping the parents as it is about the kids.

“Knowing that we can take some of that weight off their shoulders and they don’t have to look like they are a disappointment to their children is an amazing thing. It’s about the kids but it’s also about family.”

To qualify, the group says all parents need to do is come in and fill out one of their applications with a driver’s license and the ages of the kids. Hughes has a message for any struggling parent.

“We’ve all been there just keep faith.”

To get involved, click here.