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There's A Hidden Deli In Los Angeles 'Only The Locals Know About' & Foodies Love It

"Unless you know somebody who knows about it, there's no way you'll find it."

A couple enjoying the Gjusta patio. Right: A sandwich at Gjusta.

A couple enjoying the Gjusta patio. Right: A sandwich at Gjusta.

Georgia Contributing Writer

There's a hidden gem eatery in Los Angeles that foodies deem a mouthwatering hot spot. One content creator, Taylor Offer (@tayloroffer) raved about this "secret deli" in a viral TikTok video on November 21, making it not-so-secret.

It's called Gjusta Bakery and It's located on Sunset Avenue in Venice, just one block from the beach.

The establishment appears to be a low-key warehouse, but once you step inside, you'll find freshly baked bread, artisanal provisions and delicious deli sandwiches.

Offer describes the bakery as one that "only the locals know about."

"It's super discreet and unless you know somebody who knows about it, there's no way you'll find it," he said.


If you know, you know #losangeles #deli #secretmenu

According to the eatery's website, it's a hyperlocal market aiming to provide a rotating menu that evolves and keeps up with seasonal changes. The one consistency, of course, is their baked bread made fresh every day.

A major appeal to Gjusta is its stunning outdoor dining patio. The lush outdoor patio is covered in lush greenery, fairy lights, and has quaint tables where you can sit and enjoy your meal.

They're open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so you can gather with your friends and grab a table outside to indulge in fresh meats and sandwiches under the California sun before heading to the beach.

Gjusta Bakery 

Price: 💸💸

Cuisine: Deli and bakery

Address: 320 Sunset Ave., Venice, CA

Why You Need To Go: This artisanal bakery offers bread baked fresh daily alongside delicious lunch items you can enjoy on their gorgeous outdoor patio.

Accessibility: Wheelchair/stroller accessible


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