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Close Up: Teen sentenced for role in deadly shooting outside of East High School

Close Up: Teen sentenced for role in deadly shooting outside of East High School
coming up on K. C. C. I ate news close up the victims in the East high shooting confront *** teenager who pleaded guilty in the deadly drive by shooting stinky solution what Des Moines is doing to stop the smell, assaulting noses in the city, 3500 free thanksgiving meals. The man who helped organize the parks community free thanksgiving dinner coming up on K. C. C. I ate news. Close up The victims in the East High shooting confront *** teenager who pleaded guilty in the deadly drive by shooting stinky solution what Des Moines is doing to stop the smell assaulting noses in the city 3500 free thanksgiving meals. The man who's helped organize the parks community free thanksgiving dinner. This is Iowa's news leader, this is K. C. C. I ate news close up. It's *** crime that shocked the city of Des Moines. *** deadly drive by shooting in front of East high school on March 7th, 15 year old Jose Lopez died in the shooting. 16 year old Jessica Lopez, an 18 year old Cameron Ortega suffered gunshot wounds. Police say the shootings were the work of 10 teenagers and three vehicles that drove past the school in the middle of the day. 16 year old kevin Martinez admitted he was the driver of one of the vehicles involved in the drive by shooting. He pleaded guilty to two felony charges of intimidation with *** dangerous weapon in connection with the shooting monday *** polk county judge sentenced the 16 year old to 20 years in prison but not before the victims in the shooting, got *** chance to speak in court these past months that I've been in custody. I had time to think about what happened and what went down that day. I feel hurt and sadness in my heart for Jose's family is suffering from my actions. I feel sorry every day for Jose's family asked to go through all this pain and trauma. His family never deserved to lose the love of *** child or *** brother. I know there's nothing I can do for his family to look at me different, but I want to apologize to his family and friends. What I caused that day. I just read Miss Deborah's statement. I'm so sorry. I also want to apologize and say sorry to Jessica father pain and trauma. She is going through, it hurts me every day that she can never live her life normal again. I wish none of those shots would have ever hit any of those kids. I wish, I wish none of the none of those shots wherever. There's those cars that day. I want to apologize to her family that are struggling on *** day to day basis. Having to live with fear every day. I'm sorry, okay, sorry to Cameron. I'm sorry to camera that is hurting every day, having to live in constant fear and pain. I'm sorry for the nightmare she goes through or any flashbacks she has, I'm sorry for what I caused that day. I apologize to camera and her family. I'm so sorry for the actions I made that day. I'm going to regret this decision my whole life every day. I wake up and I think about what I did that day. I know I can't take it back or change anything, but I hope the words I'm saying help everybody look at me as *** kid who made the wrong decision in life wants to change and be better so I can never make the decision like this again. I just asked for this chance I could develop and grow into *** young man. I know it's not easy for families to forgive me, but I'm sure you're sorry for what I caused that day. I know all the family and all the families and victims are going through hard times and I know my words might not mean anything to the families That I just want everybody to know that from the bottom of my heart, I'm truly sorry, but I prefer all of the young gentleman to go to prison because they killed *** 15 year old boy and two attempted murders. I feel like they should not be let free anytime soon. It's not fair to us. I almost died as well. And I don't think they should the pain we all went through all the unnecessary painful surgeries me and the other victim had to go through. But at the end of the day, the painful, the painful day, he was part of it. Everything went down And I feel like they should be justice for Jose's mom. So taking the life of *** 15 year old and seriously injuring two other innocent people is really not it. Um you took things away from all of us from me. You probably already know I can't do um many things anymore because it would cause permanent damage to to my brain. I had to spend *** really long time in the hospital with heavy medicine and needles into me for like the first time ever. It's not coming out. If it does, it could also cause brain damage. Luckily I recovered up pretty fast. I didn't have anything wrong with me that the doctor said I could have had the worst thing that I had had at the time was probably *** dislocated shoulder and that was as much pain as I could probably take at the time. But feeling this or the bullet, No that's that was something that was feeling the burning pain, the passing out, not being able to breathe, just being in shock and everything. It was all for the first time I'm sorry out there to the people that have to deal with some of the things that what's going on in their family because these shootings are not gonna stop. They're just out there, whether they're in homes or schools or just on the street nowhere is *** safe place, there's other ways of solving problems, not just not just by murdering other people. That's just sick. You guys were not out for *** joyride. You guys have heard this at the end. I don't win anything with you going to jail or not. My son is still not coming back. My boys, my boys, my youngest boys are missing their best friend. I get to live, I get to live every day feeling so bad for having *** little bit of joy when I do something with my boys because I'm missing one and he's missing everything that we do together. He's missing all that. He just missed his birthday so long. Not so long ago He missed four July that boy loved fireworks. He loved them. He missed thanksgiving, he's gonna miss it. You know how much he loved thanksgiving dinners, oh my God, that boy loved them. He loved them christmas. He doesn't, he doesn't get to spend it with this girlfriend this time he spent it last year, but he doesn't get to spend it this year. You took that away from her from his dad from his grandparents. It's hard, I know it's hard but you know what the lesson here is and what it takes for you to learn that lesson. It shouldn't be *** slap on the hand. Martinez's attorney asked the judge to sentence his client to probation saying as the driver, he was less culpable in the shooting than the other defendants, but judge scott. Rosenberg rejected that request calling the crime planned premeditated and terroristic in nature. He said Martinez and the others involved had no regard for the safety of others when they fired shots at East High, there are nine other teen agers charged in the east high shootings to others are young enough to have their cases handled in juvenile court. Three have pleaded guilty to lesser charges. Tomorrow Mark cabo is out on bond but is expected to get *** suspended sentence for accessory after the fact and firearms charges. Manuel baez O faces up to 30 years in prison after pleading guilty to second degree murder and willful injury and re Valladares and Maya faces up to 50 years in prison after pleading guilty to the same charges. The remaining four suspects are scheduled to go to trial sometime next year. Next on close up raising *** stink des Moines new plan to eliminate the bad odor wafting into the city and see how the bond or an amazon warehouse geared up to handle thousands of packages *** day this holiday, Welcome back to close up. It's *** problem that's been assaulting noses in the des Moines area for more than 30 years. You know what I'm talking about *** rancid odor that seems to come from packing and rendering plants on the east side. The city now admits their old strategy to stop the stink isn't working. They now have *** new plan to control the odor. I think it's from the, you know, we get 200 complaints *** year just on odor. And you know from our perspective, 200 is the tip of the iceberg because *** lot of people just kind of say and then they walk in their house and they closed the door and they, but then there's 200 people that want to call in. So that's *** that's *** tipping point where you know, that's adversely affecting our residents. We've mapped over where it adversely affects. So the air dispersion is landing in these, you know East Village Court Avenue. Uh those area areas are getting adversely affected unfortunately is the same area that we're now attracting people to live and work and enjoy their leisure time. And so it's come to *** point where we want to hit *** balance with the industries and the residents so we can all coexist and not have those high spikes and order that drive people inside and to the phone to complain. This is not *** new thing and we have struggled for years to find *** solution. What we were doing wasn't working. Let's just, you know, be honest about it. You had to have *** certain threshold with the same descriptor within *** certain amount of time and then go out and verify it and then it had to meet another certain, you know, within so many months that they had to be the founded odor source *** lot of times by the time we get out there the air is dispersed it can be something that was short lived intense but short lived. And so it's hard to identify which of these industries are actually the source. Um They are commingling similar odors. So it really has been hard to pinpoint exactly which industry. So we decided to do it on *** scientific method. Let's bring *** consultant in. Let's go in and study the the air and the smells and determine where they're coming from. And so that's how we came up with um where we are today. Well we are right now in discussions with the industry leaders uh and trying to get fixes in place. They're coming to us with plans. Um I will say that Smith field has already come. Pine ridge has already come with *** plan that they've already decided to install state of the art. Technology should be in by the end of 2023. That will help alleviate the odors from their particular plants. So we're very excited and happy that somebody has come in ahead of us even because I think they heard the discussions and they've agreed to do the fix. Um Darling has had um in place for *** number of years. Top technology. So we're just asking them to review uh points of odor dispersion and make sure that they are still working correctly so that they are keeping their odors down now. All three companies tell K. C. C. I. They're ready to work with the city to address the ongoing issues. However the des Moines odor control hotline stays in force to take complaints. That number is 5152486367 or 248 odor according to the order hotline website. If they get 10 complaints of the same smell in six hours they will try to find the cause of the smell coming up on close up cyber monday is tomorrow. How the amazon sorting center in bonn Durant geared up to handle millions of online orders and chuck's restaurant gave out more than 3500 free meals. This thanksgiving meet the organizer who's helped put that together. Well the holiday shopping season is underway so get out there and get it done. And while many stores closed for thanksgiving, online shopping was open for business here in central Iowa many amazon orders go through the bondurant sorting center and K. C. C. I got *** tour to see how the facility will deal with an estimated 250,000 packages *** day. This holiday season this season like most of the seasons especially in the last two years because of the covid as well. Our orders have increased dramatically over the years and this year also we're expecting almost double the volume. What we used to do on *** regular day. On *** regular day we do anything about 100 and 50 K. As *** total number of packages which comes in over here. But this holiday season, we are forecasted or projected up to 2 50 K. Or it can go up to 300 K. As the total volume. We, I think 2021 we did about 200 K if I'm not wrong. Um, and this year it's going to be going up by almost 50,000 packages. To be really honest, the last prime week one, which we had was one of the best We had and our orders, the number of orders went through for the entire country was almost, I would say 20% over than what we forecasted. So that's where our projection comes in for this peak season as well. The holiday season where we are expecting *** higher than the usual orders. As in in terms of looking at the country, why there's definitely an issue with the supply chain. But what Amazon does the best is making sure to plan for that accordingly so that the customers is not impacted. For example, even when we had the supply chain issues, the customers were getting the packages delivered to them at the same time as they were on *** regular time. So the peak season is one of the best seasons for amazon, especially walking it over here in operations. The entire year is kind of defined during this holiday season because the orders that doubled, so we higher up the Associates as well To ensure the customers is not impacted During the regular season, we have associates anything between 350-450 associates. But with the peak season with the holiday season, we hired anywhere between 100 250 associates. Additionally, to ensure that you know, we have the right support in order to make sure that we are keeping up with the customer. It's very important for us, especially for holiday season. You know, the entire season. I think for the entire year is kind of define what we do in the last one month. Um You know, *** lot of customers are ordering the packages. One that is *** great discounts and two, there's an emotional attachment towards it because most of them are gifts and we don't want the customer's package to be getting Delaware delayed because it's *** gift. Right? So what we do is making sure that we higher up the Associates and also make sure that leadership support is there in order to make sure that the customers are getting the packages on the same day or on the next day as as its promised on the website. And that's what we do on the holiday season every single day. Our orders are almost twice than what we do on *** regular day and we have the support in order to make sure that the packages goes through on that day and gets delivered to the customers. They're busy this time of year, 500 people work at the bondurant sorting facility, but they hope to add over 100 more to help handle holiday shopping and shipping. The National Retail Federation projects. Holiday sales will increase by up to 8% this year, but the holiday shopping season started much earlier than usual this year. Instead of waiting for Black Friday retailers like Amazon Walmart and target have already begun holiday sales as early as early fall. Now it's been *** des Moines holiday tradition for decades. The organizers behind the thanksgiving free meal at chuck's restaurant. Oh, welcome back to close up. Just making thanksgiving dinner at home is *** major undertaking. Well, imagine that every year the parks community thanksgiving dinner makes 3500 meals to give away at chuck's restaurant bob Iverson organizes the dinner and describes organizing *** small army of volunteers to get those meals to thousands of grateful Central Iowans every year. Despite how tired you are, you still come back and do this. What makes you and other awesome volunteers do this every year because of the need. Um, you know, years ago, I thought that maybe at some point in time it wouldn't be needed. But now the need is probably greater than uh, than before. And the main, *** portion of what we do is to try to get as many meals into as many hands as we can. You know. Last year was *** little unusual because we didn't have dine in. So I couldn't see the end result. But the, uh, just the faces of the volunteers, the all willing to stand up and help us give part or all of their day to do this. Um, you know, it's extremely rewarding for me personally and our committee because obviously our 12 person committee cannot put this meal on by ourselves. And so it's, it's *** huge, uh, you know, deal for us just to see the same faces every year for volunteers. Um, they're all coming in. They're all gung ho, ready to go to work. We slap, slap them in an apron and get them some gloves and they pretty well know what they're going to do. Anything else I should know about definitely thanksgiving means *** lot to all of us and you folks are spending your thanksgiving here serving the community instead of gathering with family. And most of us will do it afterwards. You know, some of the committee members will do theirs and volunteers do theirs on this weekend. But, You know, my family knows that my wife and I will be here, uh, every thanksgiving, you know, I've been doing this 29 years. Uh, you know, my wife's been involved for 11 years. Uh, so it's, you know, grandkids, our son, granddaughter is going to be up here helping. So it's, you know, it's family upon family upon family. We see families with the mom and dad and *** couple of three kids uh, whether they be older or younger, uh, you know, everybody wants to, you know, have that I guess feel good sense of belonging to something larger than what they are Now this year's meal came with several new problems, inflation made the meals more expensive. Organizers say the cost of buying the £1400 of turkey, they used increased $2000 over last year. The higher cost of the other items added another $3600 to the meals. Now, organizers considered cutting the number of free meals they provided because of the added cost, but they decided the need was too great and put together 3500 meals. Volunteers not only helped put the meals together, they also helped deliver them while some picked up their meal at chuck's most get the meals delivered directly to their homes. Another problem organizers ran into was finding *** mixing bowl big enough to mix the mashed potatoes while they bought *** giant mixer at auction, but it didn't come with *** giant bowl. So luckily *** generous donor stepped up and offered *** 140 quart bowl which they gladly accepted and it helped prep the meal. Well thank you so much for joining us for K. C. C. I ate news close up. We hope you had *** great thanksgiving and we hope to see you back here next sunday same time. Have yourself *** great week
Close Up: Teen sentenced for role in deadly shooting outside of East High School
This week on Close Up, a teenager who pleaded guilty in the deadly drive-by outside of East High School is sentenced to 20 years in prison.We take a look at what the city of Des Moines is doing to prevent the odor problem in the city.As the holiday season approaches, an Amazon center in Bondurant prepares for an influx of orders.The Parks Community Thanksgiving Dinner makes 3,500 meals to give away at Chuck's restaurant. Organizer Bob Iverson describes organizing a small army of volunteers to provide meals to central Iowans.

This week on Close Up, a teenager who pleaded guilty in the deadly drive-by outside of East High School is sentenced to 20 years in prison.

We take a look at what the city of Des Moines is doing to prevent the odor problem in the city.


As the holiday season approaches, an Amazon center in Bondurant prepares for an influx of orders.

The Parks Community Thanksgiving Dinner makes 3,500 meals to give away at Chuck's restaurant. Organizer Bob Iverson describes organizing a small army of volunteers to provide meals to central Iowans.