State of Affairs


Put Politics Away

  • State of Affairs
    State of Affairs

In the days leading up to the election I saw – on Twitter of all places – some pretty disgusting memes that said awful things about County Commissioner Robert Windhorst, these memes were posted in response to the commissioner’s support of Democrat Commissioner Ralph Lucero. What was the point of those rude memes? Some of the comments read, “What kind of republican supports a democrat and green new deal?” (sic.) and “REPUBLICANS SUPPORTING DEMOCRATS? Things are backwards in Cibola county starting with this RINO!” (sic.) This kind of political thought is not only gross, but inappropriate. I, myself, have also recently become victim to these partisan smears after a certain elected official’s family member went around calling me “meth head trash” because I refused to let the official submit a letter endorsing himself in the Letters to the Editor section, saying that it must be a political ad. I can’t believe I have to say this, but I do not use meth or any kind of amphetamine.

These partisan attacks are only part of the political environment in Cibola. For the most part, I think, residents of Cibola are more level headed when it comes to politics.

I think that the 2016 presidential election opened Pandora’s Box, releasing all the ugliness of politics – further straying the conversation away from policy and future plans to useless and pointless arguments.

Ralph Lucero and Robert Windhorst, along with the rest of the board of commissioners, puts their politics to the side and focuses on the growth of Cibola County. As New Mexicans, but especially as residents of this county, we should be proud that our elected officials are taking their oath of office very seriously and putting the interest of the community above the interests of their party – because, sometimes, what is necessary for the community doesn’t always fit in with what the party wants.

The biggest problem we have in New Mexico is politics. We wonder why crime is so bad – it’s because, despite how horrible these policies are the legislators put forward are for the safety of our communities, they do it because it’s what follows the party line. Despite what is good for the community, what is good for New Mexico, so many of our legislators just do what the party says to do.

We are very fortunate that our county commissioners take their job seriously. Cibola is growing, crime remains high and will probably get worse before it can get better and that might stop the growth of the community. If we are serious about protecting the community, we need to focus on doing what is necessary for the community regardless of where it fits in with political parties. Politics are killing New Mexico. Elected officials who focus on their job and their community are rare, and we are fortunate to have the officials that are on the Cibola County Board of Commissioners.

We need to be better with each other. If something is actually wrong, lets call it out for being wrong; but if you’re just mad because someone’s politics don’t align with yours, you shouldn’t attack them. This is especially true with the county commissioners who are putting the community first. Leave the politics behind, because our community finally has officials in the county that are putting the county before themselves, we need to help them, not attack them. There is a difference between holding people accountable and attacking them. Our officials are doing a great job, we need to keep holding them accountable; we need to keep supporting them for as long as they continue to work on behalf of the people. Commissioners Lucero and Windhorst, Commissioners Martha Garcia, Danny Torrez, and Christine Lowery may not be everyone’s favorite people, but these people are putting the county first and helping to create an environment of success for Cibola County.

Let’s put politics to the side, and work for the betterment of Cibola.