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GUILFORD COUNTY, N.C. (WGHP) — Hundreds of Guilford County students have focused their education on where they want to take their future.

The school district has created career academies to help them reach their goals.

Students have the option of computer and information science, transportation, biomedical health science and engineering.

Western Guilford High School student Abigail Brockington geared her education toward transportation.

“There’s two different pathways,” Brockington said. “One deals with more of the logistics side, and one deals more with drone technology”

Wednesday morning, students enrolled in Guilford County’s five signature career academies gathered to show off what they’ve learned in the classroom.

“When I joined the program, I had no idea what logistics even meant, but now it’s one of my contenders for what I’m going to major in in college,” Brockington said.

During the two-hour session, some students demonstrated the health checks they can now perform. Others demonstrated their coding work which even put a robot into action.

Every new skill these students learn at the five signature career academies better prepares them for a future job search.

“At the end of their journey, they’ve attained knowledge, skills, credentials and work-based learning experiences that make them more ready for whenever they choose to enter the world of work,” said Guilford County Schools CTE Executive Director Holly Pore. “That could be immediately after high school or that could be after a two- or four-year program”

Students enjoy learning with classmates who share similar interests.

“It’s easier when everyone is focused on the same thing,” Brockington said.

Kearns Academy student Cayden Neal said, “You’re now not considered the weird kid at school. You’re with people who are excited to talk about what you want to talk about as well”

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Seeing the smiles on students’ faces and making dreams come true is the goal of the executive director’s goal.

“Days like this, when I get to hear from students and they get to articulate what it is they’re learning and why it means so much to them and why they want to learn more and how they involve you in the learningl, make me exceptionally proud,” Pore said.

If you want a closer look at each of the programs and what is offered, visit the Guilford County Schools website and search for “Signature Career Academies.”