Small Business Saturday gives shoppers the opportunity to buy local products

Shopping locally allows shoppers to support the community they live in.(Cyle Clark)
Published: Nov. 27, 2022 at 4:39 PM MST

RAPID CITY, S.D. (KEVN) - After Black Friday, many shoppers wait for cyber-Monday to get the next best deal for holiday purchases, but Small Business Saturday encourages people to shop at their locally-owned stores.

The annual holiday puts a spotlight on small businesses that otherwise would be overshadowed by larger corporations that can afford to offer greater discounts.

Cindy Carver, the owner of Cindy’s K-9 treats, which sells homemade dog treats says that not only does the holiday help support the community, but she goes a step further by purchasing all her ingredients from various local businesses.

Additionally, the day offers her the opportunity to meet her customers in person as she usually conducts her sales online that day

”Oh, amazing just being able to talk to people and ask them about their dog and what kind of dog they have and hold old their dog is. And if they had any questions about their dog’s diet and stuff, I can try to kind of help them pick out what treats are kind of better for their dog,” said Carver, on her experience meeting customers face to face.

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, there are more than 89,000 small businesses in South Dakota.