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These Texas Cities Are Among The Best Places In The World For Gen Zers & They Beat NYC By Far

California was also left behind.

Desk Editor, Texas

When we think of urban cities that attract younger residents, we might picture places like Los Angeles or New York City. However, a recent survey proves that the newest generations have different interests that can make these metropolitan areas less ideal for their needs.

According to a study by Peek & Cloppenburg, an international chain of department stores, Texas takes the first two spots for the best cities for Gen Z in the U.S. Austin made it to first place while Houston falls just behind.

A total of 22 factors were used to determine which worldwide cities were more suitable and attractive for Generation Z. The company evaluated aspects like digitalization, principles, lifestyle and economy in different cities around the world. Things like connectivity, climate change, internationalism, gender equality, nightlife, concerts, remote work and affordability were distributed among these aspects.

Globally, Austin came in at number 10, and Houston made it to number 33. The other U.S. cities that made the top 100 were Portland at 47, Los Angeles (53), Chicago (54), Seattle (78), Miami (82), New York (88), Boston (90) and San Francisco (99).

Overall, according to the study, the top-10 list of the best cities for Gen Z internationally is the following:

  1. Berlin, Germany
  2. Bern, Switzerland
  3. Stockholm, Sweden
  4. Brisbane, Australia
  5. Edinburgh, U.K.
  6. Tokyo, Japan
  7. Montreal, Canada
  8. Cologne, Germany
  9. Frankfurt, Germany
  10. Austin, U.S.
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