This Tennessee Restaurant Has The 'Absolute Best' Nachos In The State

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Whether you prefer nachos topped with shredded chicken, pico de gallo, cheese sauce or barbecue, the crunchy snack is always a hit. Mashed searched around the country to find the best nachos served in each state, from traditional takes on the classic snack to unique flavors paired together for a one-of-a-kind bite. According to the site:

"From traditional chips, guac, cheese, and fixings to out-of-the-box offerings featuring seafood, pulled pork, or infused sauces, you can find something to sate your appetite and send you straight into nacho nirvana on our list."

So which restaurant in Tennessee has the best nachos in the state?

Edley's BBQ

Edley's puts a twist on the nachos you know and love, topping the crispy chips with smoky, flavorful pulled pork barbecue or chicken with extra sauce. Edley's BBQ has several locations around Tennessee. Find your nearest spot at the website.

Here's what Mashed had to say about Tennessee's best nachos:

"Fusing smoky BBQ pulled pork or chicken with a pig old plate of nachos is one of Edley's BBQ's specialties. The nachos are lauded by Tripadvisor reviewers and combine two beloved comfort food traditions: Tex-Mex nachos and piles of perfectly smoked meat.
Topped with delicious sour cream, pico de gallo, barbecue sauce, and a while heap of melty nacho cheese, if these sumptuous treats don't hit the spot, we're not sure what will."

Check out Mashed's full list to see all of the best and most unique nachos around the country.

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