Best of Houston® 2022

Best Of Houston® 2022: Best Beer Garden

Walking Stick Brewing Co. boasts a pair of beer gardens
Walking Stick Brewing Co. boasts a pair of beer gardens Photo by Jesse Sendejas Jr.
Best Beer Garden: Walking Stick Brewing Co.

Artificial turf probably isn’t the first image conjured by the word “garden,” but Walking Stick Brewing Co.’s fake grass has become the site of real fun and genuinely warm vibes over five years of existence. Located in Garden Oaks, on a street lined with neighboring neighborhood drinkeries, the craft beer brewery actually boasts two beer gardens which sandwich a stylish tap room.

The beer gardens are spacious and family- and dog-friendly and have allowed the brewery, founded by local couple Angie and Andy Dunn, to host all sorts of special moments, everything from wedding showers to pop-up markets, dog rescue fundraisers to craft brew industry meet-ups. No matter the gathering, Walking Stick’s layout, inviting décor and welcoming staff make for a perfect afternoon or evening.

The other half of the “beer garden” equation is “beer” and Walking Stick is pouring some of Houston’s best local brews, particularly its Castle Pale Ale, a low ABV British-style pale, and not one, not two but three different saisons, including Sunlight Saison and Mountain Berry Saison, both inspired by Andy’s Coloradan roots, as well as Pink Boots Boss Lady Saison. Speaking of boss ladies, Walking Stick has quite a few women in charge, from its co-owner to its head brewer and its general manager. Their combined and considerable talents, the hospitable staff on the whole, the tasty beer, visiting food trucks and a growing list of faithful customers make the brewery with the fake grass a real Houston gem.

956 Judiway, Houston
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