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Preparing your plants for the cold weather

SIOUX CITY, Iowa (KCAU) — As the weather starts to get colder, Siouxlanders with plants are looking to save their flowery friends.

With low temperatures hitting Sioux City this week, chances are that Siouxlanders’ plants will freeze. The easiest way to avoid that is bringing plants inside.

Kaylee Kennedy is a Bomgaars employee that helps out with plants. She said while some plants can bear the temperature drop, the frost can easly kill them.

“Well it depends on the type of plant. I know tropicals, if you have them in the ground for instance hibiscus trees or the gardenias, things like that. You might want to dig them up and put them in a pot and them in where it’s warmer,” said Kennedy.

A majority of plants freeze within five hours of 28 degree temperatures at night.