Local residents voice concern over increase in home heating prices

CHICOPEE, Mass. (WWLP) – Increased oil and gas prices are raising concerns for western Massachusetts residents, especially when it comes to affording to heat their homes this fall and winter.

The National Grid moves to its winter rates on November 1st and says they will be increased due to the high demand for natural gas. In response to this, National Grid says they are assisting customers to help reduce their energy use and save money with its “Winter Customer Savings Initiative.”

Eversource’s natural gas customers will also see supply rate changes on November 1st as well. They are also offering assistance programs.

22News spoke to one local resident who’s concerned about the price increase and plans to stay ahead of it.

“It’s always more expensive in the winter. This year is going to be more expensive than normal,” said Sean Charles of Greenfield. “It’s something I am concerned about and need to try to keep ahead of.”

The National Energy Assistance Directors Association is predicting a 17% jump in average home heating costs, alongside a 42% hike in the cost of home electricity.