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Lizzo FaceTimed A Fan's Man At Her New York Concert & Told Her To Dump Him (VIDEO)

The audience couldn't believe his response. 🤐

Lizzo on FaceTime with a fans man. Right: Lizzo on FaceTime with a fans man.

Lizzo on FaceTime with a fans man. Right: Lizzo on FaceTime with a fans man.

Florida Associate Editor

On Sunday night, Lizzo performed in New York and FaceTimed a fan's man to ask him why they aren't official front of all of Madison Square Garden.

In a TikTok posted Monday that received 1.8 million views, you can see the pop singer grabbing a phone from the audience. The caption reads, "Lizzo calling a fan's guy who is stringing her along!!"

After dialing the love interest's phone number she asks him to hop on video chat. He realizes it's Lizzo and immediately changes the form of communication.

"Brittany [the fan] is my home girl, okay?" She said to him on the phone. "So, what's the f*ing deal, are you about to miss out on a bad b*tch or what?"


@lizzo you are a bad bitch!!! #lovelizzo #madisonsquaregarden #newyork #lizzotour2022 #lizzotour #badassbitcch

The singer laughed with the sea of people around her, and the man responded that he "didn't know what to say."

In true Lizzo fashion, she asked if the fan's beau can "shake his a*s," and it seemed he didn't know how to respond to that either.

"If he don't shake his a*s break up with him," she told her fan.

He never did and the artist giggled. She said that he took too long, hung up on him and handed the cell back to the audience member.

Then, she proceeded with the show. The clip received an outpour of love from viewers in the comments.

"The way he just stared into the camera. SIR YOU ARE FACETIMING WITH LIZZO HERSELF CMON," one person wrote.

Others published how much they love her and how funny it was that she did this.

As for the future of the relationship, there hasn't been an update and it is unknown if the fan and her man are still together.

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