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Letter to the editor: Curbing Pittsburgh shootings | TribLIVE.com
Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: Curbing Pittsburgh shootings


I think we are all taken aback by the continuing escalation of shootings throughout the Pittsburgh region. I feel sorry for the police rank and file whose job is to protect citizens from such outbursts of violence.

The first step in effecting change for the good is identifying the problem and the actors perpetuating the violence. Targeting negative influences could enable a new and fresh task force to work with city leaders to proactively attack the influencers in neighborhoods, schools and similar hard targets where families and locals gather.

A large number of these shootings that are injuring or killing our innocent children and parents are by gangs, but I believe there is a campaign to not use “gangs” as a descriptive. Think about it … when was the last time you have heard “gangs” used on the news by reporters or police or elected officials? Although I can’t prove it, I assume banning the word “gangs” from everyone’s vocabulary will help with the city’s image, promoting an air of progressiveness to companies and people considering moving here.

But if Pittsburgh’s leaders are serious about fighting the scourge of violence and fear throughout its neighborhoods, everyone must collectively get their heads out of the sand and not be afraid to call out the “gang” members.

Each official, resident, news outlet and business owner needs to apply this pressure to leaders who are elected by the people and due for reelection soon!

Jeffrey Held


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Categories: Letters to the Editor | Opinion