Event celebrating 100 years since circus elephant escaped in Wilmington

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A special event is being held this weekend to commemorate the escape of Topsy the Elephant (Photo: Burgwin-Wright House)

WILMINGTON, NC (WWAY) — It’s been nearly 100 years since a circus elephant escaped in Wilmington.

A special celebration is being held this Sunday to mark the anniversary of Topsy’s escape on October 9, 1922.

The elephant was on the loose for two days, causing thousands of dollars in damage to buildings like Eureka Dye Works on Second Street – now the home of Dram Yard.

Dram Yard and Burgwin-Wright House are partnering for the free event with themed cocktails, local history and trivia at the Gazebo Bar from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm.

Burgwin-Wright House assistant museum director Hunter Ingram will also present a live telling of Topsy’s story, along with local history trivia, giveaways and a special toast to Topsy to cap off the evening.

“The Burgwin-Wright House has the unique privilege of being able to talk about the 250 years of Wilmington history that has happened since the house was built, and Topsy’s special story is one of the best,” museum director Christine Lamberton said. “We are thrilled to partner with Dram Yard on this event that will serve as yet another important reminder of why there’s no better place to learn about local history than on the sites where it happened.”

Some of the proceeds from the evening will be donated by Dram Yard to the Burgwin-Wright House for continued preservation of the colonial site.

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