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This Small Texas Town Is Viral For Its Unique Name

"The whole city is one big dad joke."

A "PFOR SALE" sign in Pflugerville, TX. Right "The Pfield" stadium in Pflugerville, TX.

A "PFOR SALE" sign in Pflugerville, TX. Right "The Pfield" stadium in Pflugerville, TX.

Texas Staff Writer

A suburban area near Austin, TX is home to a city called Pflugerville, which is currently known for making fun of its own name and the Internet is loving it for all the humorous details you can spot there.

Pflugerville, pronounced floo-gr-vil, is actually just a German word for "plowmen." The city's name was chosen in honor of Henry Pfluger, a German native who escaped the Prussian War and arrived in this Texas territory in 1849. This place currently has an estimated population of 66, 884.

A TikTok video posted on October 1 by @moh.mcc shows that the letter "F" isn't used as much throughout Pflugerville, but rather a "pf" is applied instead on things like city signage, local advertisements, and even the high school football stadium, which is called "The Pfield."


Whos dad is this #dadjokes #funny #texas #texasdad

The post, which currently has over 253K views, reveals several sightings of what is being referred to as the city's own "dad joke," a unique spelling that locals take pride in.

In the previous video, the creator shows the town's distinctive tradition to name things. An example is a selling house sign that reads "PFOR SALE" instead of "for sale." Also, some events are named "pfestivals."

An advertisement for the Pfirecracker Pfestival. Right: An advertisement for the Deutschen Pfest.An advertisement for the Pfirecracker Pfestival. Right: An advertisement for the Deutschen Pfest. moh.mcc | TikTok

Now, TikTok users are joking about wanting to move there so they can be in on the jest between Pflugervillians.

"Moving to Pflugerville just so I can change my occupation to 'pfotograpfer,'" one user joked in the comment section.

Popular comments on the TikTok video making jokes about Pflugerville, TX.Popular comments on the TikTok video making jokes about Pflugerville, TX.moh.mcc | TikTok

Locals also mention how they appreciate spotting a "pf" around town.

"I have been here 8 months and I still laugh at every pf I see," another commenter said. "It truly is hilarious."

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