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Will’s House From 'Stranger Things' Is On Zillow & The Photos Are Spookier Than The Series

There’s an offer for double the asking price to turn it into an attraction!

A scene from the 'Stranger Things' series. Right: inside of the 'Stranger Things' Byers house listed on Zillow.

A scene from the Stranger Things series. Right: inside of the 'Stranger Things' Byers house listed on Zillow.

Desk Editor, Texas

An iconic home in pop culture is currently listed on Zillow and Stranger Things fans will identify every corner of this property. That’s right, we are talking about Will, Joyce, and Jonathan Byers’ house — and it looks spookier in real life.

Located in Fayetteville, GA, the house is listed for $300,000. It has three bedrooms and two bathrooms, and is currently under contract, according to the posting.

Instagram account @zillowgonewild shared some photos of the residence and things are not looking fancy.

The front of the building, located at 149 Coastline Road, looks like the regular home where the Byers live in the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana. The grayish single-floor house is surrounded by a lot of trees and plants.

A second picture shows the residence from far, and the very long entrance road, added to the fact that there are no other buildings around, makes the place look spooky and haunted.

A single inside photo of this 1,846-square-feet home pictures a shut-down fireplace in an empty living room with a brown floor and yellowish wood-like walls. According to the Zillow post, the house needs a full rehab.

Popular comments left on Instagram.Popular comments left on Instagram.@zillowgonewild | Instagram

"Are the kids living in the walls included or is that something you have to pay extra for?” an Instagram user wrote in the post, joining other fans who also made Stranger Things-related comments.

A recent report by Insider is stating that the current buyer is trying to purchase the location for almost double the asking price and has the idea of turning the place into a Halloween attraction.

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