Rolling Stone updates its "Top 100 Greatest TV Shows list"

Aaron Barnhart, senior editor for and longtime TV critic joins The Mark Reardon Show to discuss Rolling Stone's new "Top 100 Greatest TV Shows list", what shows are missing, and what should have been ranked differently.

“This list was compiled not by a single critic, but by a kind of cross-section of people who watch television for a living. So some of them are producers, writer-producers, some are actors and then they also talk to critics, they did not talk to me. And then Alan Sepinwall, who is the tv critic of Rolling Stone, great critic, he should have a Pulitzer prize by now, he just has seen it all and knows it all and I have a high degree of respect for him, and then he wrote the capsules,” shared Barnhart.

Later he continued, “You know, at a certain point you got to say if I had kind of unlimited streaming subscriptions and could watch any show, what shows should I watch and I would pick a few shows that are not in this Top 100.”

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