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Avoid scams with IA AG and AARP

Scammers are everywhere these days, trying to get your personal information online, over the phone or even in person. That’s why AARP and the Iowa Attorney General’s Office have resources to help people recognize scams and know what to do to avoid them.

The top five scams in Iowa involve:

The best way to avoid these scams is to be wary. Check and use trusted, legitimate websites to research companies before doing business with them. Read the fine print, shop around for the best deals, get bids in writing, never pay up front and use credit cards, which offer legal recourse in case of fraud.

The Iowa Attorney General’s Office offers these tips to avoid getting scammed.

For more information on avoiding scams, click here. If you suspect Medicare fraud, click here. To file a complaint with the Iowa Attorney General’s Office, call (888) 777-4590 or click here.