theft 2020

Bloomsburg, Pa. — A Bloomsburg man allegedly told police he would rather go to jail than give back a stolen Harley Davidson motorcycle.

Dale Larue Walter, 55, is accused of taking a 1983 purple Harley Davidson shovelhead motorcycle from a woman he used to live with, according to Bloomsburg Officer Ken Auchter. 

The woman's daughter called police on Sept. 5 to report the bike missing for her mother, over whom she has legal guardianship. The mother and Walter previously lived together at a home on Barton Street, though Walter had since moved out. There had been a fight over belongings previously, the daughter told Auchter.

The motorcycle had belonged to her mother's late husband and when he died, she became the legal owner, the daughter explained.

Auchter called Walter, who allegedly admitted taking the bike, telling police the family would never be able to find it. When Auchter pointed out Walter didn't have any legal right to keep the bike, he replied, 'Well, you're just going to have to take me to jail then, because I'm not giving the bike back."

Walter, Barton Street, was charged with felony theft.

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