Lima Salvation Army announces sign-up dates for Christmas Assistance

LIMA, OH (WLIO) - Winter preparations are going on at the Lima Salvation Army next week.

Lima Salvation Army announces sign-up dates for Christmas Assistance

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of next week people can sign up for Christmas toy and food assistance. You must bring your driver's license or state identification for adults and social security cards for everyone or guardian papers. You will also need proof of income and a recent utility bill. The important thing is to get signed up if you need help.

Lima Salvation Army announces sign-up dates for Christmas Assistance

"So it's a blessing to be able to help that many people. And we're hoping that it's not that they are using our system, it's just if they are in need come and apply," said Captain Charity Bender, Lima Salvation Army.

A coat distribution will also be held on those days in the Salvation Army's gym. There is a huge selection of winter coats along with scarves and gloves. Those dates are October 4th, 5th, and 6th from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. On October 5th, they will be there until 6 p.m.

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