Eyewitness News (WEHT/WTVW)

Thousands raised during shoebox ministry in Henderson

HENDERSON, Ky. (WEHT) — For such a small congregation, Henderson General Baptist Church sure has a whole lot of heart. This year they set their goals high to touch the lives of children all across the globe.

Church members filled shoeboxes full of useful items for Operation Christmas Child. We’re told they set and reached their goal to make 300 boxes to be sent out internationally.

They are still taking donations for the shoe box ministry and hope that the money raised will go towards making even more. Organizers say they were able to raise $2,000 in donations by the end of Sunday night.

“What better way to give then to a child that might not get anything else so, you know, it’s important to share what you have,” says church member Debbie Manion.

Church members donated themed baskets for the event. Every month, the church asks for a new item that  would go into the boxes, such as clothes, hygiene items and toys.

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