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If You Have Multiple Kids, I Neeeed To Know The Funniest Things You've Ever Heard Them Say To Each Other

I assume the main reason someone has kids is to hear them say funny things.

Parenting is hard work. And it's even harder if you're out there rearing more than one of them.

And while kids will drain you of absolutely every drop of energy you have, they can also be an endless source of entertainment.

Especially when they start interacting with each other. I mean there's a reason there was a show called Kids Say The Darndest Things.

Maybe they were fighting over an invisible can of paint and screaming about whose turn it was to "hold" it.

Or maybe you overheard your kids coming up with a scheme to avoid taking the blame for the new hole in the wall after their somersaults got a little too aggressive.

Or you could have happened upon one of your kids calmly telling the other, "I hear you, Katie, but I just really need some space right now."

Whatever you've heard your kids (or nieces, nephews, grandkids etc.) say, I want your funniest and most outrageous stories. Tell us in the comments below, or use this Google Form if you prefer to remain anonymous.

Your story may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!