300 Venus flytraps rescued, replanted in Boiling Spring Lakes

Venus Flytraps replanted on September 24, 2022 (Photo: Tyler Gramley/ North American Sarracenia Conservancy)

BOILING SPRING LAKES, NC (WWAY) — A local nonprofit rescued and relocated hundreds of Venus flytraps over the weekend in Boiling Spring Lakes.

The Venus flytrap is one of the most widely recognized plants around the world and it’s native only to the Carolina coast.

The rescue was planned and arranged by the North American Sarracenia Conservancy (NASC). The project was led NASC’s Vice President Tyler Gramley.

About 300 Venus flytraps were relocated due to construction of a new fire station. The Group re-planted them on Saturday at the Boiling Spring Lakes Preserve.

“Fire Rescue has agreed to maintain the relocation area to preserve the site genetics into the future,” Gramley said. “We will return in spring to count numbers and increase the planting density further!”

Poaching the plant in North Carolina is considered a felony and comes with a stiff fine.

Gramley said lots of people and organizations stopped by and joined them this weekend including the local Fire Rescue, Boiling Springs Lakes Board of Commissioners, Boiling Spring Lakes Police Department, NC Native Plant Society, and Venus Flytrap Champions.

Click here to read more about the North American Sarracenia Conservancy and how you can get involved. 

Categories: Brunswick, DISTRACTION, Local, NC-Carolinas