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U-Talk: What is the biggest issue, for you, this election year?

By Staff | Sep 26, 2022

Tiana Lao, Special to the Daily Herald

Matt Schellenberg

“Probably my family and my kids, education and the community. Health care is a big one for me. I just see a lot of problems in health care right now, so hopefully people will be able to find solutions. People who don’t have access to health care, and the price of health care is high, so those probably will be the two biggest issues.” — Matt Schellenberg, Highland

“Budget. Maybe peace in the war situations. I think that is a big issue right now and the U.S is probably looking at what they need to do or can’t do. Maybe racial equalization; it seems to be a big topic.” — Michelle Hansen, Lindon

“I think one is the economy; that’s a huge one, so knowing that people have jobs, knowing there is not so many people coming in just getting free work — that drives me crazy. The border is huge, inflation is huge right now because people just can’t afford the prices, so I think it goes along with everything in the economy. It’s inflation, the gasoline prices, the border, just all those things are driving up the prices here. It just makes it hard for normal people to live.” — Scott Davis, Springville

“Actually being educated on both sides of the topic. Trying to find a real voice for the people, rather than just the loud voices. I feel like the majority of the people aren’t represented on either side. There’s not a good Republican candidate or a good Democratic candidate that represents the average human being. They’re all very one-sided, versus what the average wants in my opinion.” — Emily Hammerstad, Pleasant Grove

“(It) probably comes down to taxes and who they choose to put in the Supreme Court, because the Supreme Court are the ones that will actually make the laws long-term. The President is kind of in and out, so when the President is in there he blames everything wrong on the guy who went before and takes credit for the good stuff. Most of the time, the Supreme Court justices stay for life, and they’re the ones that make our loss, so that is probably the most important.” — Jason Jackson, Pleasant Grove

Tiana Lao, Special to the Daily Herald

Michelle Hansen

Photos and interviews by Tiana Lao, Special to the Daily Herald.

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Scott Davis

Emily Hammerstad

Jason Jackson


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