
Thousands gather to say goodbye to Officer Seara Burton

RICHMOND, Indiana (WDTN)– A young life taken too soon, the Richmond community gathered to say their final goodbye and thank you to Officer Seara Burton. Many people waited hours in line and said although Seara is gone, her spirit will live on in the Richmond Police Department. Other residents voiced rage, demanding justice not only for Burton’s family but also for her community.

“The guy that shot Seara, I hope he spends his life in prison and her family deserves justice,” said resident Josh Bowers.

Dr. Kathy Platoni is a clinical psychologist for 37 police departments in the area including Richmond’s. She’s been working with Richmond Officers for five weeks as Seara fought for her life and strongly believes Seara’s death will leave many of her coworkers, friends and other first responders grieving a senseless loss.

“This is a wake-up call of the dangers of law enforcement work which makes their sacrifices and what they do every day that much greater so we can not fail to rally around them,” said Dr. Platoni. “Only when they pass through those painful emotions can they take those steps forward.”

The healing process has only just begun for the Richmond community, some members say they will get through this loss together as Richmond strong.

“We are going to be ok I’m sure of that, we’re standing together, look at the crowd, we’re standing together and that’s only a portion of it,” said Resident Brenda Jerrell. “God has a plan for all of this but it just makes it hard to believe if this was part of His plan. I don’t question Him but the hearts of people, the minds of people. I wasn’t there when it happened of course but I would think, how could you just shoot someone like that?”

With a deep and saddened heart, the police department retired Badge #140 and Radio Identifier K9 2 that Seara proudly wore.