CW33 Dallas / Ft. Worth

Best places to get lobster in Dallas, according to Yelp

Photos of Pa'rriba at Popular Center and his food dishes. Photo by Rafael Bisbal

DALLAS (KDAF) — Did you know that lobsters taste with their legs? This crustacean that we now consider a luxurious meal is an interesting creature with tons of fascinating features.

For example, did you know Sunday, Sept. 25, is National Lobster Day? We did and we think that is a good enough excuse for us to treat ourselves.

NationalToday says, “It might cost a pretty penny, but a lobster feast is a great way to spend a family dinner. It’s a fun, interactive eating process, and with all that shell-cracking, there’s plenty of time for banter in between bites.”

If you want to treat yourself too, here are some suggestions from Yelp!

For more suggestions, visit Yelp.