Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory Celebrates 50 Years

DULUTH, Minn. — Despite the hazy day, bird watchers flew over to Hawk Ridge to celebrate 50 years of the observatory.

Every fall, a staggering amount of nearly 100 thousand birds funnel through Duluth for their yearly migration.

Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory has kept its eyes to the sky since 1972, collecting data and information on what flies over the heads of us all.

“If the banding station gets them, they put metal bands on them and we can help track those bird populations. We know from the pass 50 years of data our bald eagles have increased. So if you are looking for viewing birds in the fall, especially raptors during their migration, this is the prime spot to view those in Duluth,” said Lead Naturalist at Hawks Ridge, Sara Depew.

The observatory is holding bird watching events around the twin ports this weekend, including public guided tours.

If you missed it this fall, there will be another migration viewing happening in the spring.

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