Acme BBQ.jpg

The 445 Market St building in Williamsport that used to be the home of Acme BBQ will now be the restaurant location for Montoursville based catering company Luck Bear BBQ. 

Williamsport, Pa.— The owners of Lucky Bear BBQ, a catering business based out of Montoursville, announced on Facebook that they'd be taking over the location that housed Acme BBQ in Williamsport to open a dine-in and take-out restaurant. 

"Lucky Bear BBQ will continue to offer catering at events but will be also be reopening Acme BBQ Company for dine in/take out," the post reads. 

The Acme BBQ building is located at 445 Market St. in Williamsport. 

The new owners said that the name for the restaurant will remain the Acme BBQ Company. 

The announcement does not come with a firm date for the opening. 

"We will keep every one posted on dates when we will re-open the restaurant and the hours when we get them ironed out but please be patient as we want to make it as flawless and perfect as we possibly can and please understand this is also new for us as well and a growing process," the post reads. 

The owners said they had been asked for years about opening a restaurant. 

"Well … here it is," the post reads. 



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